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Youth Dinner

Starting on September 5th the youth will start a new program. The first Wednesday of every month from 5-7 pm the youth will make dinner together with the aide of a congregational member and then will eat the dinner together and do an activity. This will be a time of fellowship and fun. Everyone needs to eat right?! If you are an adult who would like to share an easy recipe for us to make and teach, please contact Kara Haug. Maybe you can teach your recipe from the cookbook. Youth, please bring a few dollars each time to offset costs for the dinner. The dates for this activity are: Sept 5th, October 3rd, November 7th, December 5th, January 2nd, February 6th, March 6th, April 3rd, May 8th. If there are conflicts with some of these dates due to holidays or what have you, we can be flexible.



Wednesday, 05 December 2012, 08:00am - 05:00pm



March 09, 2025


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