With Advent beginning on Sunday, December 2, the Worship and Music Committee is planning its “Hanging of the Greens” evening on Thursday, December 6, prior to the 7:00 pm Thursday with God service.
Starting at 5:00 pm, pizza will be served in the Fellowship Hall. After the meal the adults will hang the Chrismons on the tree and place other decorations around the church. While they are doing that the children will make an Advent craft project and share an Advent story.
Please plan to bring your family and attend this evening of food, fellowship, and a chance to prepare for the coming of the birth of our Savior, Jesus.
Please sign up in the narthex if you can attend so we know how much pizza to order and how many craft supplies to have on hand for the children. Let’s all get in the true “spirit and meaning of the Advent season”.
Contact Barb Egland at 968-2895 for details
Thursday, 06 December 2012, 05:00pm - 07:00pm