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Kid's Against Hunger

  Would you like to end hunger for children in the world for a day? Sounds pretty amazing right? On Saturday, February 23 from 9-noon at St. Mark Lutheran Church with ecumenical sisters and brothers we are going to try and do just that. Some estimate that 14,000 children per day die of hunger related issues. We are going to gather and in a very hands-on way pack rice-soy fortified meals together, enough to feed 14,000!

  The event was initiated by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans in partnership with Kids Against Hunger ( Kids Against Hunger is a nonprofit humanitarian organization with the mission “to significantly reduce the number of undernourished children around the corner in the United States and starving children around the world. Their fully nutritious meals are packaged by volunteers and delivered to starving families with the help of worldwide partners.” One third of the meals we pack on the 23rd will be divided evenly among the local organizations God’s Kitchen, the Food Bank, and The Haven. We will be working side-by- side with our Missouri Synod brothers and sisters in Christ from St. Mark Lutheran Church around the corner on Capital Ave and Redemption Lutheran Church in Urbandale as well as our fellow ELCA church Trinity Lutheran. Other Lutheran churches may participate too by the time the event is here. People of all ages and abilities can participate. Children are welcome. There will be a job for those that cannot stand for long periods of time. This is truly going to be an amazing work in the Lord for Lutherans in Battle Creek and an event you won’t want to miss.

  Please consider donating to the event by using the envelopes provided in church that say Kids Against Hunger or simply on the memo line of your check indicate the event. Let’s end hunger for children for a day together!



Saturday, 23 February 2013, 09:00am - 12:00pm



February 23, 2025


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