Guided by Faith: Inspiring Minds and Nurturing Hearts through Lutheran Education

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 ELCA Colleges and Universities


 Lutheran college or university


What it means to attend a Lutheran college or university 

Lutheran Educational Conference of North America - It is the mission of the Lutheran Educational Conference of North America to be an informed voice of Lutheran higher education and an active and effective standard-bearer for North American church-related higher education. 


Luther seminary

Luther Seminary

  Search Institute  

Search Institute - is an independent, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization whose mission is to advance the well-being of adolescents and children by generating knowledge and promoting its application.

  Wabash Center  

Wabash Center - A guide to Internet Resources for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion - This is a "treasure cove" of information. Here you will find a listing of many sources of information about the reformation. Information is included not only about the Lutheran Reformation but also other Protestant groups and Catholic Reformation. You may find that some of the Links are not active.


July 27, 2024


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Bulletin July 28 2024

 Announcements and Prayer List July 28, 2024

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