Committees Members of the St. Peter congregation participate in various committees and groups (sometimes temporary task forces) working individually and together to serve our Lord, our church, our community and each other.
Church Council Members *Meet the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Barb Heffner, President Bill Duggan, Vice President Sue Eifler, Secretary and Christian Life Linn Kracht - Outreach Nancy Wozniak - Outreach Harold Bruns - Finance Rebekah Seng - Worship & Music Kathy Fotheringham - Christian Life Gary Goodykoontz - Financial Treasurer (non-voting) Jan Ludwig - Financial Secretary (non-voting) Committee Chairperson* Property - Dave Marquette Worship & Music - Rebekah Seng Outreach - Linn Kracht Christian Life - Sue Eifler Finance and Stewarship - Glenn Noffsinger
Christian Life Committee *Meet the fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. These committee members work diligently to support the congregation by planning and hosting special events and activities including coffee hospitality, Easter Breakfast, Rally Day, God's Work - Our Hands, Bavaria Fest, and special educational training seminars. There are two subcommittees: Christian Education and Sunshine Committee. Kathy Fotheringham, Co-Chair Sue Eifler, Co-Chair Barb Heffner Joyce Jackson Carolyn Boyle Barb Remaley
Christian Education "The mission of Christian Education Ministry is to provide opportunities for spiritual grouth and enrichment for God's people." A sub-committee of Christian Life, it oversees the educational needs for our congregation including Sunday Education Hour for adults and children, adult Bible studies, Vacation Bible School, Nursery, youth activities, and Confirmation activities. This committee communicates with members through birthday, sympathy, get well and thinking of you greetings. Finance and Stewardship Committee *Meet the second Sunday of each month at 11:15 a.m. With help from our church treasurer, the Finance Committee keeps an eye on all financial activities within and for the congregation including our annual budget, church mortgage (if applicable), insurance, savings, endowment funds, building fund, and synod benevolence. There are two subcommittees: Stewardship and Memorials & Gifts. Endowment Committee John Christ, Committee Chair Greg Courter Melissa Heffner Karla Kopp
Mutual Ministry Committee Members of this committee endeavor to nurture and strengthen relationships within the congregation including the Pastor. Their primary purpose is to affirm and strengthen the mission of the congregation and ministry of the staff through listening and clarifying; sharing and communication, and reviewing and reflecting. They gather information to gain an overall sense of life in our congregation and encourage our community to act out our faith. Sue Towell Outreach Committee *Meet the third Monday of each month at 4:30 p.m. The mission of our Outreach Ministry is to provide opportunity for "Living Out Our Faith Through Mission." With the enthusiasm, guidance, and leadership of this committee, we support and participate in functions and programs throughout the Battle Creek area including Charitable Union, Inasmuch House, Kambly School, Lakeview Food Pantry and Sally's Soup Kitchen. Property Committee *Meet the first Sunday of each month at 11:15 a.m. This committee endeavors to provide physical and spiritual space grounds that are clean, neat, presentable, attractive, and inviting as well as preventive care to the church property. In addition, specific areas of focus include security, heating, lighting, indoor and outdoor maintenance, and the parking lot. A Building Fund has been established where offerings are welcomed to establish a reserve for property repairs, emergency items and later for capital improvements. Dave Marquette, Committee Co-Chair Duane Eifler, Committee Co-Chair Harold Bruns Frank Egland Jan Ludwig Bob Lukowski
The members of this committee work to provide our Church with the best worship and music opportunities available. They monitor and review worship times, types of worship services, worship music and materials. Their motto is "He who sings, prays twice!" Altar care, the Prayer Room, and Advent devotions also work as sub-groups within this committee.
Pr Ed Ruble, Committee Chair George Pendill Barb Heffner Barb Marquette Kathy Fotheringham Rebekah Seng Sue Towell
Prayer Ministry Participants in this ministry commit to pray continually for people on our prayer list, for the many ministries of St. Peter, and for any other special needs. They also coordinate and implement the Prayer Vigil during Holy Week and coordinate the Prayer Shawl Ministry where those in need may receive a special hand-made prayer shawl.
St. Peter Earth Keepers (S.P.E.K.) This group of members who seek to provide opportunities for all members to live their faith as a good stewardd of creation. This may be done through demonstration, education, and advocating for the conservation, preservation, and protection of God's creation. This may include refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, and remove. Being green!! You may see S.P.E.K. signs posted around the church as reminders. Learn more, here. |
March 03, 2025