Welcome Visitors & Newcomers!

And thus you shall greet him: "Peace be to you, and peace be to your house and peace be to all that you have." ~ 1 Samuel 25:6

Welcome in the name of Christ!
Please, know that we understand that coming into a new situation can be awkward and uncomfortable. We hope that we can alleviate some of your worries before you enter our building. Below you will find some helpful information and what to expect at St. Peter. A "Wiggle Room" is available for those who may need some extra space. Please see a Service Host for details. We pray your worship time with us is enriching for your spiritual life and you will join us soon.

Holy Communion

Holy Communion is celebrated at each service. We invite all who wish to participate in Holy Communion to join us at the Lord's table. We ask all to please follow these instructions during the distribution of communion.

  • Use the hand sanitizer before coming forward for communion.
  • At the direction of the ushers, approach the altar by individual rows keeping appropriate distance between family groups.
  • Receive your communion cup from the usher. Individually wrapped communion cups and gluten free wafer options are available.
Once you have received communion, place your empty communion cup in the basket at the end of the first pew and return to your sear using the outside aisles. 

join us for fellowship after service with refreshments

March 03, 2025


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Sunday 10a.m. in person or live on Facebook




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Service Bulletin - 3/2/2025

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